When I was in high school and early
college, Yeshua pursued my heart and I came to know Him as a jealous
Bridegroom. In the past few years I’ve been in a season of healing and
restoration of brokenness within my soul. In the midst of these years I’ve
found myself caught up into the unconditional love and arms of God the Father.
Now I sense it’s the Holy Spirit’s time to draw me out, sweep me up into His
wild playfulness, teach me to hear and respond to the quiet promptings of His
voice. So in the snatches of time I can steal here and there I’ve launched into
searching the Scriptures for the Holy Spirit. I’m hungry to learn. The first
verse I began with was Genesis 1:2-3. After delving into the Strong’s and
picking the main words apart this is the paraphrase I landed on:
The earth was lying waste, a desolation, a worthless wilderness, an
undistinguishable ruin, utterly empty. Light was withheld from the surface of
the abyss, keeping it in obscurity. Yet the Holy Spirit, the Breath of God, was
brooding over the surface of the waters, completely relaxed, fluttering ,
moving, shaking with what He was about to do. Then God said, “Let there be
illumination,” and there was light all at once in all its forms—lightning,
clarity, happiness, sunrise—and morning came.
This is so much what the Spirit
does, not just with the earth at creation, but now in each one of our hearts.
He sees what is hidden, broken, lying in ruin. Where others see a worthless
waste, he envisions potential and beauty. He is not overwhelmed by the
fractured filth, by the emptiness of our being. He breathes and light comes in
our spirits. What was dead comes alive. What was dark is illuminated. Morning
dawns. Healing spreads. Life begins.