Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Arousal

A man came in the night
And whispered in my ear,
A lovesick song and a passionate plea.
My soul was awakened,
And my heart was aroused.
As sunlight crept into the morning sky
I searched for the voice,
But he could not be found.
Yet though I could not see his face
I knew he was not gone.
I sensed his love as I breathed in the morning air
And heard the faintest whispers of his song
Brought on the wings of the Northern wind.
I felt him call to me,
Urge me to come.
I lifted my eyes to the horizon
And I started walking,
First slowly, placing one foot in front of the other,
But then running as fast as my feet would allow
Until my strength gave way.
I loved this man.
I knew because I had dropped
Whatever I had been holding on to
And left everything I had ever known
To follow the voice of a stranger in the night.
I loved this man,
As my body became bloodied and blistered.
I knew because
I walked and climbed and crawled
Over boulders and rocks and thorns
To draw nearer to him.
I loved this man,
As my flesh was seared with pain.
I knew because
I walked through the raging fires
To get to where he was.
I loved this man,
As the path I was walking twisted and turned
And took my away from where I had wanted to go.
I knew because
I was walking away from everything I thought I had
wanted in life
Because I knew he would be waiting for me at the end
of the path
Wherever it might lead.
I loved this man,
Recklessly and relentlessly.
I knew because
No matter what I faced, I pressed on.
I loved this man,
And today I love him still.
You ask me why?
And want me to explain why I do the things I do,
But you ask for the impossible.
I cannot use words to persuade you of my sanity
Because I too believe I am insane.
I cannot argue my case
Because my journey is not of the mind but of the heart.
All I know is that I am compelled by love.
A man came in the night
And whispered in my ear,
A lovesick song and a passionate plea.
My soul was awakened,
And my heart was aroused.
As sunlight crept into the morning sky
I knew that everything had changed.


jess&mich said...

I'm so glad you've decided to blog. Now we can read glimpses into your heart anytime we want to! We're all definitely getting the better end of the deal. I'm bound to be a faithful reader. Love you, girl. -mich

Anonymous said...

yay for a blog! I will take some of the credit for you taking the final plunge into the blogging world.