Monday, November 10, 2008

Small Pieces

It is the small moments that make life beautiful, the miniscule details that can only be noticed by the grateful heart. There is always something wrong with the world. The heart set on finding the negative will always succeed. But there is always something right with the world, waiting to be found, appreciated. God has never left his throne. He still reigns, he still weaves beauty into our lives, etching the ugly into a masterpiece. It is all a matter of perspective. Those who walk with their eyes on the ground will never see the stars shining overhead. Human hearts get preoccupied with the "big" pieces of life, waiting for them to fall into place, discontent until every dream is realized. But I think perhaps life is not made up of "big" pieces, rather millions of tiny small ones. Little pieces of our lives fall into place every day and life is lined with so much more beauty when we train our eyes to see them and be grateful. The little things are starting to bring a smile to lips and a sparkle to my eye...

finding the perfectly painted fall leaf to press...

receiving an unexpected call from a friend...

buying a brand new bottle of dish soap after scrapping the drops out of the old one for a week...

listening to a song that opens just the right heavenly moment...

finishing a homework assignment...

walking into the food bank at just the right moment for God to drop dinner in your lap...

a sunset...

Grateful moments are personal, God's signature of unique interest in our lives. They are small, seemingly insignificant to the untrained eye and heart... yet they are there, waiting to be discovered. The smallest things can bring the greatest joy when God's goodness dwells foremost in my heart. Unholy common things become sacred. Stop and look for the little sacred pieces hiding with your own life.

"It is good to give thanks to the Lord and to sing praises to Your name, O Most High;
to declare Your lovingkindness in the morning and Your faithfulness by night." Psalms 92:1

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