Sunday, September 20, 2009

How He loves us...

There is nothing more profound than the knowledge that God loves me.

He sees every moment I choose to turn the television on before opening His word. He feels each instance when my heart slights one of His children for my own selfish gain. And He loves me. He hears the ugliest thoughts within my soul, the ones I fear to reveal to any other human being. And He loves me. He sees my doubts, my fears, my insecurities, my stumblings. And He loves me.

Celebrate his death and rising,
Lift your eyes, proclaim his coming.
Celebrate his death and rising,
Lift your eyes, lift your eyes…

I’d forgotten how to wake up every morning with the pressing realization and gratitude for what God has done. I’d forgotten how much He loves me. I’d forgotten how vast His grace is over my heart. I’d forgotten how surrounded I am by all of His goodness, by His very presence.

And yet, when I go to offer up this realization to God with what I think should be shame, all I can sense in response is His immense love and overwhelming pleasure over my heart, a father who smiles on the fumbling steps of His child. This is goodness. This stirs the ineffable within my heart. There is nothing more profound.

I love you, Abba Father—so imperfectly… but I do.

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